Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Welcome to the Blog

As I awoke one morning from uneasy dreams I found myself in Bruxelles.

This is my blog. It is about my stay in Belgium. I live here for the time being with my wife. At times my son (the good one) will handle the administrative functions of this blog. In fact, he set the darn thing up for me and is the author of this message. Have I mentioned what a good son he is? How I don't blame him for the household destruction, grey hair, and lost youth which he caused me? In fact, he's such a good son I think I'm going to make sure he gets all my business suits - lord knows, the little rotter may just need them.


Jean said...

Ned, I went to the part that says it will tell me all about you. I was so excited...because....I wanted to know all about you. But there was nothing there. That tells me more than I already knew.

Your darlingest sister in law.

Jane said...

Ned, Just wanted you to know that I just became the first follower! Does that mean we will tour Waterloo?
